Open letter to members – help your club!
Dear hockey player,
Dear club member,
The entire team of the Royal Belgian Hockey Federation, the VHL and the LFH wholeheartedly hopes that you are, and your loved ones are well, and that manage to remain healthy and safe in these very challenging times!
The COVID-19 pandemic has touched everyone like a bolt of lightning! Wether it is on a personal or organisational level, or on the medical, social, mental or economic front, …everyone feels the impact of this unimageable crisis.
Unfortunately, the same applies to our hockey community. Helaas geldt hetzelfde voor onze hockeygemeenschap. Daily a multitude of our members and our clubs are hit by the many effects of this crisis. We are sending this extraordinary message today, to incite everyone to solidarity. Help others if you can, just a bit of moral support can do wonders.
We would also like to ask you to show solidarity towards your club. Since March 13, all activities in all our hockey clubs have been put on hold. This situation might persist for several weeks to come. This means that your club has no source of income at all for the moment. But even with all activities at a stand still, the expenses remain the same, or even increase in some cases.
Therefore keep on supporting your club to the max! Please do not ask for a refund on your membership fee. Give your club a fighting chance to continue working serenely, so they can actively prepare the next season.
We thank you in advance for your help in our common fight against the harsh consequences of this Corona crisis!
Sporting salutations,

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Un protocole pour jouer les matchs en toute sécurité ! Ça y est, Hockey is back ! Mais pas à n’importe quel prix ! En effet, afin de vous permettre de rejouer au hockey en toute sécurité et en

Open letter to members – help your club!
Dear hockey player, Dear club member, The entire team of the Royal Belgian Hockey Federation, the VHL and the LFH wholeheartedly hopes that you are, and your loved ones are